Note: Your staff members can login to your single, shared Member Profile page using any of the email addresses entered below (both in the Main contact fields and the Additional contact fields). As the password, you all share your single, unique Member Access code.
Please select your company size and the membership that belongs to it:
Membership for Individual (dues: $75)
Membership for Civic Organization (dues: $75)
Membership for Business 1 - 3 (dues: $225)
Membership for Business 4 - 10 (dues: $245)
Membership for Business 11- 15 (dues: $275)
Membership for Business 16- 20 (dues: $300)
Membership for Business 21- 35 (dues: $340)
Membership for Business 36- 50 (dues: $385)
Membership for Business 51- 100 (dues: $435)
Membership for Business 101- 200 (dues: $480)
Membership for Business 200 (dues: $550)
Select your preferred category to be listed by:
If you would like to pre-purchase a sponsorship/event package, select that level below. The sponsorships and event packages are simply a prepaid amount to attend and sponsor events and meetings for this year. A chamber staff member will work with you to determine how you want to specifically use your dollars.
Select your preferred payment method:
Your membership will be processed and activated once your check has been received.
Please make payable to Adel-Cook County Chamber of Commerce, 100 South Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, GA. 31620
You will receive these same payment instructions per email.
Check payment instructions: